Dear Water Users Coalition Member,
We appreciate the many letters and emails received from our members expressing your continued support and gratitude for our efforts and accomplishments over the past year. After speaking with several members of the coalition it was determined that the coalition would take a wait and see approach effectively giving the North Harris County Regional Water Authority some time to address the many ideas and concerns our members have brought up through our coalition meetings.
Progress (Ideas and concerns put into action)
- Direct communications from the NHCRWA to the MUD Directors.
- NHCRWA forum presentation for MUD Directors.
- Participation in AWBD surface water presentation.
- Comprehensive layout of contractual and financial obligations and agreements.
- Improved opportunity for all individuals to address the NHCRWA Board of Directors at meetings.
The Coalition applauds the efforts of the NHCRWA for improving the communications to the MUD community and encourages them to continue with this effort moving forward.
Pending (Ideas and concerns under consideration)
- Regularly scheduled meetings (semi – annual) with the operations community to enhance operations and communications.
- A selected volunteer committee of water professionals, MUD directors and NHCRWA staff members to brain storm water topics and potential policies that may affect the Authority’s customers.
- The development of an early warning alert system with regards to water availability and quality issues.
- A NHCRWA booth at AWBD, with continued education and communication specifically for our MUD community.
The Water Users Coalition will continue to seek to improve communications with the NHCRWA and will actively advance the ideas and concerns of our coalition members.
Over the next several months the Coalition will be seeking volunteers to establish a board of directors to oversee the future of the Water Users Coalition. Should you have an interest in serving please contact Jerry Homan at or 281-469-9405.
Best regards,
Jerry Homan
Water Users Coalition