Greetings Water Users Coalition Members,
As many of you are aware the North Harris County Regional Water Authority (Authority), has three newly elected board members; David Barker (District 2), Melissa Rowell (District 3), and Mark Ramsey (District 4). Also, the returning board members are Ron Graham (District 1) and Kelly Fessler (District 5).
Many changes are being implemented. New policies are being put into place, with new ideas and priorities. These changes are moving along very quickly. Many coalition members have contacted me voicing concerns, expressing frustration, and the need for a more moderate, conservative approach. Comprehending the complexities to one of the largest water projects in the world and the billions of invested dollars, is certainly worth taking a little time to better understand what, how, and why things were done a certain way. A little patience may be in order as we move into this new era of stewardship.
The Authority is having two board meetings per month, averaging approximately 4 hours each. Please consider coming to these meetings in person or by video link. It is very important that you stay informed (Now is the Time) as your districts will be directly affected by the decisions being made by the Authority.
The Water Users Advisory board is meeting to discuss and plan several town hall meetings in each of the Authority Districts, in the upcoming months, to share information and gather input from all of the utility districts within the Authority’s boundaries.
Additional Information to follow in the near future.
Best Regards,
Jerry Homan
Co – Chair, Water Users Coalition